Improve Physical Therapy & Hand Center, LLC is a provider with most insurance plans in our area. We are one of the only Physical Therapy clinics that is also a MEDICARE approved DME provider (durable medical equipment: walkers, braces, wheelchairs, cane, splints) (DMEPOS approved).

We are committed to assisting you in obtaining reimbursement from your insurance carrier for our fees. Upon your first call to our clinic, our office manager and billing specialist will ask you for the insurance information – call the insurance company – and verify your benefits. When you arrive for the evaluation, you will be provided with an insurance verification form which will clearly note your financial responsibility prior to being billed for treatment – thereby, allowing you to have an accurate estimation of your out-of-pocket expense. If requested, our office manager and billing specialist can verify your insurance and your financial responsibility prior to you scheduling an initial appointment.

You are responsible for your deductible, co-payments and account balance at the time of your service. Health insurance varies and rarely provides full payment of medical costs. For your convenience, payment can be made by cash, check, or credit card.

As much as we try to assist our patients in receiving reimbursement for our services, the insurance contract is ultimately between you and your insurance company.

If you have no insurance, you can still receive therapy with the self-pay option. Our SELF-PAY OPTION is a flat rate of $75.00 for the initial visit and $50.00 per each visit thereafter. Payment must be made prior to receiving treatment (on or before the date of service).